Nutritional Therapy

Aligning Nutrition with long-term health

Nutrition is an essential pillar of health. Personalised nutritional therapy is an underexploited but potentially transformative pathway to improved long-term health. 

When you work with a nutritional therapist they will investigate the root causes of your health problems and address them, instead of just treating symptoms or applying a one-size-fits-all approach.

Personalised Nutritional Therapy has untapped potential in Long Covid

At Amatica we think that that modern, patient-centred and evidence-based nutritional therapy can change the trajectory of your health. 

The hive mind of the patient community has shown the power of diet and nutritional supplements, and research has implicated microbiota dysbiosis, acidosis and a host of nutritional and metabolic problems. 

Leveraging the most advanced scientific testing and working with a professional Nutritional Therapist practitioner will allow them to determine nutritional and supplementation plans that are tailored to your biology, physiology, pre-existing conditions and overall health history

Katherine Kelly MSc, DipION, AfN, mBANT, CNHC.

  • BSc in Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition at Queens Belfast
  • Qualified Nutritional Therapist (mBANT) from The Institute of Optimum Nutrition
  • Qualified in Health Coaching
  • MSc in Global Health at The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
  • Qualified with the Association for Nutrition (AfN)

Katherine Kelly MSc, DipION, AfN, mBANT, CNHC.

Katherine specialises in patient-centred nutritional and health optimisation

Over her training and career Katherine has qualified in Nutritional Therapy and Health Coaching and worked at some of London’s top Health Optimisation and Functional Medicine clinics to develop a highly personalised, holistic, and patient-centred approach with her clients. 

An autoimmune patient herself, Katherine’s work is based on evidence and is rooted in the latest scientific research. She is an active researcher and draws on her experience from leading institutions and clinics at the forefront of personalised healthcare.

Katherine’s approach

Katherine's focus is on providing a customised, long-term approach to nutrition and health optimisation. She prioritises identifying the root cause of your health issues using a systematic, evidence-based approach. 

As a qualified Health Coach, Katherine will work with you to address your personal barriers to recovery and create personalised plans tailored to your unique needs.

Throughout the process, she shares her knowledge, educates, and supports you to achieve your optimal health.

Working with Katherine

Katherine starts all of her nutritional and health optimisation journeys with a free call that allows her to understand each individual person’s profile and needs, and to establish if she can help and what path is best suited to you.

Start your nutritional and health optimisation now with a free 20 minute consultation

Katherine’s journey to holistic care

Katherine started her nutritional journey studying Food Quality, Safety and Nutrition at Queens Belfast. Realising her true interest was in one-to-one personalised nutrition she qualified in Nutritional Therapy (mBANT) from The Institute of Optimum Nutrition.

Over the last 4 years Katherine worked at some of London’s top Health Optimisation and Functional Medicine clinics, including LMS Wellness, BelleCell and Harpal Clinic. 

This has allowed her to collaborate with practitioners across many different disciplines, collectively delivering the most modern form of integrative, personalised care.

Working with diverse patients hands-on, Katherine found that much of her work revolved around behavioural change, so she completed a qualification in Health Coaching. This equipped her with approaches emphasising active listening, motivational interviewing, and personalised goal-setting.

Together, this allows Katherine to address not only the physical and physiological aspects of health but also enables her to help her clients to overcome other barriers to recovery, promoting sustained improvements in health and well being.

Katherine’s work with Amatica

Amatica aims to bring together leaders in patient-centred, personalised and integrative healthcare with the goal of helping the millions of people suffering with chronic illnesses globally.

Katherine brings to Amatica a willingness to work with complex chronic disease patients who have often run out of options.

Collaborating with other leading healthcare practitioners and scientists in Amatica’s ecosystem, Katherine contributes diverse hands-on experience investigating challenging chronic health problems and a willingness to take action to resolve the problems she finds.

She is an active researcher with The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, where she completed her Master’s in Global Health. Research-centric practitioners are the core of Amatica’s holistic care ecosystem.

Speak with our Nutritional Therapist